Whoever said the naked body was a thing of beauty, obviously never saw someone like Homer Simpson.
Me, I don't attach shame to the nude form. A body is simply flesh. What's important, what I love about a person, is the kindness they exhibit. That is more attractive than a six pack of abs (or donuts as the case may be.)
I love beautiful art. I love Michael-ma-angelo's David and The Mona Lisa. My heart thrills when I see exquisite Roman statues of Goddesses. I love emotion. I love the raw feeling that I experience when I see something that sears into my soul and won't let go...
It's not the body that is important. It's not the body that sets me aflame with longing.
I am going to be bidding adieu to my renter, Gina's Ramblings. I hope you acheive all the success you can as a writer.
Thats a very true comment.I know people have been confused the last few days as to why i put pics onmy blogbut i wouldnt on the dating site.Thats because i wanted people to like me as a person on the dating site without seeing what i lok like.My blog is for my friends who i hope like me wharever i look like.
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