Sunday, May 28, 2006

Two DAYS! Without a Post! Eeek!!

I watched X-Men: The Last Stand on Friday. Boy, I love that movie. I am not going to give away anything, but the movie characters were as close as could be to the comic "original" characters. Gosh, I love the concept of the X-men, of struggling against mankind's worse aspects and becoming the best of what humans are. Ok, ok. I'm blathering on.

Oh man. Go see it. If I talk too much more about it, I'm going to blab out the whole movie. My lips have been officially zipped. Rogue...ooops. I need to shut up!

I've been invited to a party (look at me, I'm SUCH a social butterfly!) on Memorial Day. The folks would like me to go up to their place, but I'm already heading up there in a week and a half. It's not gas practical right now.

Say a quiet prayer or send out some positive thoughts to the people in Indonesia. I have the feeling they'll need our concern and money.


At 7:04 AM, Blogger Battlerocker said...

I can't wait to see that movie. And enjoy your party. :) It should be fun.

At 7:53 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i saw the movie last night.My lips will also remain sealed.But i totally agree it was awesome.That earthquake was awful.That part of the world seems to be experiencing much tragedy.

At 10:29 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

Did you stay till the end of the credits to see the hidden ending? Classic!


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