Ugh. TWO more days.
Dear Blog,
Why do I feel the need to write an excellent post when I'm at work? And, by the time my butt gets home, I forget about what I was going to discuss.
Ugh. Let me try to remember it...
Nope. The thought is as gone as someone offering me a free X-men comic book.
I feel conflicted. I really am attracted to men and women. Let's face it; women are prettier all the way around than men are but I get along better with men. I like the way men think, most of the time. Some have egos, but the majority of my male friends are sweet and caring.
And to think, I used to sing a "Guys are idiots" song. I still do, when one member of that gender pisses me off, but I'm getting away from that. I certainly don't like it when some dude says all girls want someone to take care of them.
I like men. I do. I do not want to comport myself in a way that insults them.
Besides, I think I'm attracted to women for the wrong reason. That being: Perhaps searching for the kind of love I never got as a young'un.
Thanks for accepting my rent bid! :)
I have that problem with blog topics all the time. I even started carrying a small notebook so I could jot things down while I was away from the computer. That's not any better. I just forget to write the ideas in there!
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