I report, you decide
Hmm. This really made me think and I'm not entirely sure if it was in a good or bad way. Just the other day, I saw a Hummer painted up to honor dead Oregon Marines. It was a beautiful paintjob and I am POSITIVE it cost a fortune. I'm all for honoring our dead troops, but I think painting a gas hogging vehicle to pay homage to the dead...is perhaps evidence of either twisted logic or a good sense of irony. Perhaps the customized Hummer was an understated protest for those of us intelligent enough to get the irony. At any rate, I'm sure the Hummer is adored by all the redneck that see it 'round these parts.
Or maybe I'm just reading way too much into it and the owner just really appreciates our troops. (Me, I can think of a few better ways to give back to the soldiers. Such as donating money to Veterans' associations across the country, perhaps making the donation to the families of the dead soldiers...rather than painting a motorized monster. I guess that's just me, however.)
The Da Vinci Code is an amazing book. I love it! It makes me want to read the Bible again. Yes, I know enough to take it as a book of fiction, but some of those ideas make sense to me.
I really do think Jesus supported women, more so than the followers who had never met him. (Yes, I am talking about Paul.) And, call me a heretic if you must, but I believe that the Bible's teachings has been corrupted by unscruplous people. Jesus's basic message is love and people have twisted the missive to mean love only if you think and live the way that I do.
Feel free to discuss in my comments if you agree/disagree.
Love and acceptance are 2 different things. I can love someone while disagreeing with who they are and what they do. Jesus loves all of us despite who we are. He doesn't like it, but He is always there for us anyway. If you follow Him, you do your best to act like Him.
I agree with you about the Hummer. They probably could have put their money to better use, but then I guess we all could. It probably felt right to them at the time.
I loved the DaVinci Code too. I can't wait for the movie. The controversy I can do without. Everybody has their own ideas about everything. I think Jesus loves us for who we are, warts and all but he is God and we aren't. That is why we have such a hard time living up to his image.
I think the bible can be interpretted in anyway people want.Religious groups take random sections to justify what they want.However i agree that the basic principal of the bible was to teach people to love each other.
Hey, this is easy!
Topic 1: I agree
Topic 2: I agree
This is a great game, lets play again!
Oil, dead troops, Hummers and thoughts on the Bible. Wow. I think you can safely say that you covered a lot of thinking in one little shot!
Rock on!
People do tributes in so many different ways. I heard there is some semi-truck delivery guy who has painted his whole truck with the names of ALL the people who dies on 9/11. Quite a tribute, but I know there has to be SOME people who would be offended by this.
Da Vinci code is a GREAT book. And yet, still not as good as Angels and Demons was. If you haven't read that, you definitely should.
If I were to go back to Christianity, I think I'd be a Catholic.
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