Sunday, March 19, 2006

So I joined Blogexplosion– which seems to be a blog promotion service that brings more traffic to your site. I’ve actually heard of it a long time ago, but was reticent in exposing my blog (or to be more precise, my inner most thoughts) to criticism and ~gulp~ evaluation.

Then, today, I thought it might be good for me to let people critique me. Maybe it’ll help me to develop a thicker skin. Maybe I’ll run into cool bloggers. So I guess this will be some sort of experiment... I’ll let you, my faithful readers, know how it goes.

What I just read:

X-Men The End: Book One. Dreamers and Demons.

I have a few gripes with this book, mostly because I think certain characters... Well, I can’t tell you. It’ll give away what’s happening. Let’s just say Cable should be tougher and smarter. I don’t like the way he’s been written in that comic at all.

I guess I’m just going to have to get the other books and read ‘em.

Have a good day and take care.


At 3:35 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love how you are always trying to improve yourself. Sometimes it results in more pain but you are up to the challenge once again.

At 6:55 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Its good having people read your blog.As in RL though there are really nice bloggers and total assholes out there.

At 8:13 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

Good idea. I wish more people read my blog. I mention it all the time to friends and barely anyone visits let alone comments. What can you do?!?!?


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