Monday, March 20, 2006

People make a first impression even on their blogs, I've noticed. Usually the post at the top of the page lets me know if I think the blog is interesting enough to keep reading. I know that is superficial, but I keep on hoping and searching for ... I have no idea. Perhaps the ideal blog? Like the ideal man, I'm sure it's impossible to find. :D

I guess I am looking for like-minded individuals.

Anyway, I'm reading Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King now. Well, to be truthful, again. I gotta say that the Dark Tower series is one of the best series these eyeballs have looked at... It's deep, complex and entirely engrossing.

Still working on my comic book graphic novel idea and when the time comes to find an artist, I hope that I can find one that I like and isn't shy about exploring the depths of religion. I do not want to be sacriligious, and I refuse to make fun of religion in my graphic novel, but I do want to dissect the psychological reasons that religion is so embraced by humanity.


At 8:15 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

I have visited other blogs and commented a few times to see if I could get some traffic. Never seems to work though even if we are talking about the same kind of stuff. Whatever. I still have you!!

At 7:01 PM, Blogger Valkyrie said...

Yes, you do.

I used to get a lot more traffic when I was blogpals with whom I now believe to be a blog snob, but that's ok.

I want to get traffic honestly.


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