Sunday, March 05, 2006


Turning thirty was the best thing that ever happened to me, though I did not believe so at the time. I had previously thought of thirty as impossibly old, the beginning of the end, if you will.

I am grateful, now, that I have reached the big 3-0 and I’m soon to surpass it. I wouldn’t say I am completely satisfied with my life and I hope I never get so comfortable in my own skin that I forget to see opportunities for growth and development. It’s when people stop continuing to learn and expand ourselves that we begin to stagnate and perhaps die little by little because there is no where to go. There are many kinds of ‘death’ and I think the death of faith and hope is the worst.. Anyway, that’s MY opinion. Disagree if you must. I hope there will always be something for me to strive for, always a goal to be attained, always a challenge that needs to be met.

I had thought of quitting my blog when I felt as if I didn’t need it as therapy any more. Well, I’ve come to the realization that I will always need a sounding board when the desperate desire to speak about something that’s bothering me arises. So I am NOT getting rid of this blog for quite awhile. If ever. I have been blogging for nearly three years. It’s a part of my life now and I look forward to writing.


At 7:52 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sometimes i like just having somewhere to write all about the stuff going on in my life.Im sure otherwise i'd be boring people to death with it.Keep blogging.

At 1:08 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you are not quitting your blog. It is a great place to sound off record your life. I'm glad you are happy with yourself and where you are. The 30's are a great age. You aren't a youngster in your twenties, you can command some respect with your ideas and accomplishments. I think the best is yet to come for you. I can't wait to read about it as it happens.


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