Friday, March 03, 2006

Junk Drawer Friday

My plan of attack for the day is as follows; to breathe some life into my dreary bedroom. Not by knocking some hapless but willing man out and tying him to my non-existent four poster bed, but by getting a new comforter and maybe a bookshelf or two and my own desk. For my own computer.

See, I can’t write (creatively) in the living room. There is too many....distractions. Internet (oh, how I love thee!), cable, (mmmm....cable), all my DVDs, and my four cats. Oh, and there’s the Sims, which is so dumb I love it. Hey, I’m a control freak, so that game is right up my alley.

I can’t put my future computer in my den, for it is clogged up with my friend’s boxes, which he will need to move soon. I want my library/den back! I want to reclaim my house back, such as it is.

So in my bedroom it will go. For early morning writing sessions or as an excuse to be alone. I guess if I decide to put it in the library/den/cell, that I might get distracted by my books.... Yes, the bedroom is the place for it.

At least my bedroom will see a little action.


At 9:08 AM, Blogger Valkyrie said...

Well, I knew you were going to move SOON. (In a few months.) Sorry you took it as a personal attack. Eeesh.


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