Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Too Many Kids

Ok, I don't mind if people re-pro-duce, though I think having children should be a privilege and not necessarily a right. I do respect those people that long for the pitter patter of tiny feet. At times, I want a set of my own running around. But I wonder of the mentality of those who just keep popping kids out and can't really afford them. I can't afford to give a child a good life, so I am keeping my eggs in a chastity basket.

Case in point: my cousin and her husband. They live in a three bedroom 'manufactured' house, also known as a nicer version of a mobile home. On December 26th, she had their seventh child. (Actually, eighth. They lost the first one) She's only two years older than me and they've been married fourteen years--the last three children came right after another with not even a year between them. Let's forget for a moment that having so many babies in such a short period of time is hard on a woman's body, my medical books recommend waiting at least two years, but the financial burden must be immense. Food, clothes, medical expenses, whatnot.

Children need room and shouldn't need to be stacked one on top of another like Legos. Two bedrooms for seven children. Five boys and two girls. And my cousin wants MORE. She homeschools all of her children and runs the house the way her husband desires her to. Yes, I believe they are fundamentalist in their beliefs. The girls must wear skirts at all times and the boys cannot wear colors that could be construed as anything other than masculine.

I saw her the other day and she looked so tired and older than thirty two, closer to forty. I hope she decides to take a break from pregnancy long enough to recover her health.

Then there are other people who really long for progeny of their own and for whatever reason, are unable to. I find sympathy in my heart for those couples rather than for those who simply breed for breeding's sake. (Though I do feel for their kids!)

My point is that I believe it is better to have only the offspring you can afford to give a decent head start in life to, rather than turning yourself into a baby mill. I'm not trying to tick off anyone, I'm just attempting to put forth what I consider common sense into the vastness of cyber space.

As always, comments and opinions are welcome.


At 4:07 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

My friend who posted I believe 2 posts on my blog before going on hiatus posted something very similar to this only with much more anger. It's pretty interesting. Go back to Feb 28 2005 on the archives on mine and tell me what you think.

At 6:54 PM, Blogger Valkyrie said...

Well, my cousin DOES make sure her kids get fed and clothed, but not much more.

She's not a bad mother, per se, but she IS overworked and I hate to see her that way. She had dreams of something other than rearing children and taking care of a house once.


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