Tuesday, January 03, 2006

I had offended one of my long time readers by Monday’s post. The way I saw the words wasn’t in a battery-acid-eating-at-your-face kind of rant.. I meant it to be mildly sarcastic and only applicable to those people who refuse to leave a situation like that, using religion as a ‘shield’.

Perhaps I crafted and patched those words poorly and without consideration. Perhaps more was read into those words than what I had intended.

It’s funny. People can call me a ditz, call me a idiot, but imply that my writing is horrible makes me upset for it is such a intimate extension of myself. Writing means so much to me, has been a part of my life since I was eight. I am an extremely “responsive” person, and I guess I let myself get hurt.

Still, I think that religion is going to be a no-no topic for some time because it is too ‘hot’ and too sensitive for some people.

I’m going to leave you with Haiku:

Bird softly stirring
Morning sun shines off feathers
Her song rises high

Trees rustled by breeze
Lake sparkling with diamonds
Jason slashing teens


At 11:43 AM, Blogger MrManuel said...

That Haiku is hilarious....

Pajamas are on
Sleeping after a long day
Monster under bed

At 2:14 PM, Blogger Toad734 said...

So where is all this offensive material? I cant wait.


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