Monday, January 02, 2006

Don't give it up, ladies. (Control, that is)

I can't believe what I read on a website concerning abusive married relationships. (I am so repulsed that I don't want to advertise it on my site.)

Note- I changed my mind. It happens. Click on external link to read the garbage spewed forth.

Staying with the man who hit you or your children.
Be Cheerful And Be Stoic No Matter if the Asshole Hits You Again.
Oh, and worship God.

First of all, anyone who hits my children (if I had any) or me, is a dead man. Physical abuse is something not to be put up with. Ever. Period. It is not a situation that anyone should be in. It demeans and degrades people far more quickly than religion can 'cure' it. And the cycle of abuse is continued on by the children. Abusers do what they do for the sense of power over their own miserable life by taking it out on another.

Anyone who touches me in an unwelcomed manner, after being told 'No', is liable to get a hellcat on their hands. Or their gonads removed. Oh, I forgot. The woman always has to give it up to her husband, to 'honor' him with the gifting of herself. Pardon me while I puke.

I Peter 3:1-4 says, "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands: that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives; While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear."

I'll be darned if I'm going to just lay down and submit to anyone. Hmm...I wonder. Does "God" advocate submission? God sounds kinky to me.

Honestly, simply being a good example to your abusive husband (or wife) does not truly work. People have to make the decision to change. Most won't change because they think you are a doormat and they can do whatever they want because you'll NEVER leave.

Enter a marriage or exclusive relationship with the promise: "One hit and I'm gone." And stick to it. Go into any sort of 'three legged race' knowing where you stand on matters like that.

Instead, of simply smiling and trying to be a circa 50's housewife (by putting on a Donna Reed smile and repressing your emotions), deal with abuse, confront it, and move on with your life.


At 1:48 PM, Blogger Grant said...

I thought the author of that article did the best she could within the confines of the xtian religion, which does not allow divorce or retaliation. Of course, things like that are why I'm not an xtian. I can't abide hypocrisy and I can't support a religion that wouldn't allow anyone to leave an abusive relationship.

At 2:44 PM, Blogger MrManuel said...

It's good to see that you have already set your mind to how you would handle a situation like that. It's good to go in knowing, "THIS is how it will be handled and you better know that!" Too often, abuse is happening and it is good to know that you are one of the strong ones...


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