Saturday, November 12, 2005

Response to Dani

Homosexuality is not synonymous with promiscuity. Yes, there are promiscuous homosexuals just as there are horny straight people. The promiscuity itself is dangerous and destructive, not the homosexual ‘behavior’.

I am not a lesbian, but I am bi. The next time I sleep with someone, (I’ve only had one sort -of- lover.) it will be because I love them. I think sex is something that should be shared and talked about privately. I’m actually conservative about ‘sex’.

I’ve known gay couples in ten-twenty year relationships, completely faithful to each other...and they are happy. I’ve known heteros in five year relationships, and it is destructive because one or the other has cheated. It depends on the individual.

What is destructive to our society is....people being forced to have unwanted babies. Destructive is people not respecting (note: respecting is NOT worshiping) our environment. Destructive is the lack of health care for poor people, especially women. Don’t talk to me about outsourcing jobs; our company decided to outsource ALL IT positions to India. That may save the company a few buckaroos, but 59 people got laid off. I’m not sure how I feel about it. I'm not sure if it is harming our country or not. Lack of info.

But I stray from the original topic.

Gays and lesbians do not act like the Gideons, lurking outside playgrounds handing out literature, hoping to recruit kids. I will, however, defend my right to love who I want to.

For the longest time, I would have done anything for a taste of love and acceptance in my life. Just a taste of someone gentle and kind. But more and more, I am realizing that love and acceptance of me...has to come from me and not an external source.
I’m a lot happier being agnostic than I ever was being a Lutheran.


At 3:41 PM, Blogger Dani Kekoa said...

Dear R,

I am really touched that you would devote an entire post to a response to me. Thank you, I will do my best to respond to all of your comments.

When I was talking about talking about promiscuity, I was simply saying having multiple sex partners is destructive, regardless if you're gay or straight. But there are certain things within the homosexual community which are more hazardous than within the straight community.

For instance, here are a few facts about homosexuality that you may not know about:

- 73% of psychiatrists say homosexuals are less happy than the average person, and of those psychiatrists, 70% say that the unhappiness is NOT due to social stigmatization.

- Judge John Martaugh, chief magistrate of the New York City Criminal Court has said, "Homosexuals account for half the murders in large cities."

- Captain William Riddle of the Los Angeles Police says, "30,000 sexually abused children in Los Angeles were victims of homosexuals."

- 50% of suicides can be attributed to homosexuals.

- Dr. Daniel Capron, a practicing psychiatrist, says, "Homosexuality by definition is not healthy and wholesome. The homosexual person, at best, will be unhappier and more unfulfilled than the sexually normal person."

- Homosexuals account for a disproportionate number of hepatitis cases: 70-80% in San Francisco, 29% in Denver, 66% in New York City, 56% in Toronto, 42% in Montreal, and 26% in Melbourne.

Anyway, you get the point. I am not here to add salt to your wounds just so I can make my point. I genuinely do care for people like you and I want you to be informed about the truth. And it not because you're "bi-sexual," it is because you are hurting and in desperate need of love and affection, so much so, you will accept it from anyone who is willing to give it to you.

If I could take a guess about your past, I would say that you probably grew up without a father in the home and/or you suffered some abuse as a child, weather it be neglect, emotional, physical or sexual abuse. You probably grew up in public school where you did not "fit-in" so to speak, and it was a horrible experience which created much of your insecurities. Now I could be WAY OFF of my assumption, please set me straight if I am, but your life seems to be a replica of many women in our generation and they ALL have similar backgrounds to that.

I do have to say that it is wonderful that you are not sexually active. There is much greater concern with sexual behavior rather than sexual tendencies. If you were fornicating with your boyfriend, I would feel just as strongly about it. See, it's not merely the "homosexual" lifestyle that is destructive, it is having sex outside of marriage that is destructive, doesn't matter who you're doing it with.

I grew up quite differently from you when it comes to sex. Of course my parents divorced when I was seven and I became very desperate for male attention. Growing up in a public school where God is irrelevant, there are no moral guidelines and sexual behavior is rampant, I soon learned how I could get this love and affection from guys that I was so desperate for. I began engaging in sexual behavior when I was twelve (and picked up a few drug habits too). By the time I was fifteen I had a baby and contracted two STD's. When I was a junior in high school I had probably accumulated over 30 sex partners, honestly I lost track because sex had become so meaningless to me. So naturally the next step was bi-sexuality, groupies and other things which only led to more despair and emptiness within my soul.

By the saving grace of God, I learned my true worth and value wasn't defined by what I do or what others think of me. My true worth and value is defined by God as one of His creatures, created in the likeness of Him. When I put my trust in the Lord, he will set my paths straight and He brought me out of darkness and into the light.

Back to your comments - Let me ask you this:
Which is more destructive...being forced to have a baby or forcefully killing your baby? Since 1973, nearly 50 MILLION Unborn Babies have been murdered in their mothers womb.

And just a side note: Have you happened to notice that in the past 20 years Breast Cancer is on the rise in younger and younger women? Well, what the nice abortion providers neglect to tell these women is that if you terminate your pregnancy, your chances for breast cancer increase by 150%. And if you have more than one abortion, pretty much guaranteed that you will get breast cancer.

Regarding your comment about "homosexuals lurking outside playgrounds handing out literature." Now they no longer have to because the schools will let them right in to promote their agenda in the classrooms. You can read more about that here => TOP 10 STRATEGIES OF IMPLEMENTING HOMOSEXUAL AGENDA IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS.

Anyway Dear, I hope you know that I am not your typical Christian that could be associated with Billy Graham and George Bush. I don't blame you at all for not liking Christians, it's hard for me to like most of them because I know they are so phony. We have more non-believing friends because we can be real with them and they can be real with us. Most Christians today are clueless about the Bible and they are too distracted with pro-football and reality TV to notice people hurting in the world around them. So instead of watching the Broncos right now (which alomst everyone in Denver is doing), I am writing to you because I noticed you and I actually do care.

Feel free to send me a private email if there is anything you want to talk about, but you don't want it out in bloggerville.

Sincerely In Christ,

~ Dani

At 4:40 PM, Blogger Author said...

Homosexual men I have known tend to be more "critical" (not meaning negative, but discerning and analytical) than "straight" guys. This will tend to make them more melancholy.

They are also "hornier" than straight men, in my experience. They think and talk and act on their thoughs more often. I was surprised to encounter this. It did not bother or offend me, just surprised me.

I was disappointed when my home state (by a jaw-dropping majority) decided to keep homosexuals "down" similarly (although to an admittedly lesser degree) to blacks, and women. (Homosexuals can vote, own property, hold office, etc., so their oppression is lighter, if still immoral). A revolution will come to free homosexuality, as it did with blacks and women ... just don't know when, or in what form.

Homosexuals are not "wired" the same as heterosexuals. Before you say, "Duh!" understand that many people treat the impulses, need and rights of homosexuals and lesbians as the same as heterosexuals, and they are not. It is foolish to treat all genders, and gender-preferences, as stemming from the same psychology. The differences are real, distinct, and need to be accounted for. Human rights are not dependent, however, on psychological profiles and inclinations.

To me, if homosexuals want to make marital commitments to one another, the civil government should allow it. Only in the realm of theology should any "prejudice" be allowed. I say legalize homosexual marriage by civil authorities, and by religious authorities whose consciences permit ... but do not mandate that "must" marry a homesxual couple if it is against their beliefs.

I am not accusing anyone here of any of the follies I have mentioned. Just saw the topic and waded in with my 2 centavos.

At 6:58 AM, Blogger Valkyrie said...

It's better to be not born at all than to be born unwanted.

It's proven that a lot of kids who are adopted have psychological problems stemming from the fact their real parents *apparently* didn't want them.

I know this very well.

I do not like abortion as birth control, but I think every woman has to make that choice for herself.

At 7:10 AM, Blogger Grant said...

It's long comment day here at Neurotic Nonsense. My personal thought - everyone here could probably stand to lighten up a bit.

My background is about the opposite of Dani's. I was heavily involved in the church in my youth, but I found this to be unfulfilling and so I left it for a lifestyle built around sex, drugs, and rock & roll. I'm definitely much happier now.

Sorry that my comments are so much shorter, but with our old pals Cut and Paste I can stretch this out a bit. Sorry that my comments are so much shorter, but with our old pals Cut and Paste I can stretch this out a bit. Sorry that my comments are so much shorter, but with our old pals Cut and Paste I can stretch this out a bit. Sorry that my comments are so much shorter, but with our old pals Cut and Paste I can stretch this out a bit. Sorry that my comments are so much shorter, but with our old pals Cut and Paste I can stretch this out a bit. Sorry that my comments are so much shorter, but with our old pals Cut and Paste I can stretch this out a bit. There, that looks about long enough now.

At 5:32 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

PEDOPHILES/PEDERASTS/PRACTICERS OF BEASTIALITY are not "wired" the same as heterosexuals. Before you say, "Duh!" understand that many people treat the impulses, need and rights of (SEE ABOVE) as the same as heterosexuals, and they are not. It is foolish to treat all FORMS OF PERVERSION, as stemming from the same psychology. The differences are real, distinct, and need to be accounted for. Human rights are not dependent, however, on psychological profiles and inclinations. We who like to have sex with children and/or animals are born this way so get over it. It's our right and eventually we'll have our way, just like women and blacks have gotten their way. Nothing wrong with what we do. Just cause you say so don't make it so.


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