Monday, November 07, 2005


I need a little research assistance about Native Americans in the mid 1860's and about the military at that time. Part of my NaNoWriMo novel is taking place in 1865, right after the Civil War and the freeing of the slaves. I'm winging it right now.

My US history is rusty, I confess.

ANY help would be appreciated since the library in my home town is closed when I do get home.


I have rediscovered my love of writing, or it has found me, I'm not sure which. It feels good to let all that pent up whatever-it-is out.


At 4:00 AM, Blogger Author said...

GURPS Old West.

Trust me.

At 6:33 AM, Blogger Valkyrie said...

Actually, we're getting ready for a modified GURPS X-men game...

At 6:54 AM, Blogger Grant said... is a good place to start for research, although you might prefer to go straight through the initial draft of your book and worry about the details during the rewrite.


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