Monday, November 07, 2005

Words to put in your lexicon when dealing with me

Comic book geek (scientific name-- dorkus malorkus) of all things X-men.

Horror connoisseur.

Goth wanna be.


And...a little known fact....a flautist–otherwise known as someone who plays a flute.

This makes me sad because I love her Vampire Chronicles and the Mayfair series so much...and it seems that Anne Rice has dedicated her life to God. What a waste of a good Gothic author.

I won’t be looking at her novels in the same light.

Of late, I’ve been really cantankerous about religion. It’s been a sore spot with me because of what has been going on with the hurricane–that kooks have been saying it is the Will of God. EVEN if it WAS God’s doing, I really do not want to worship a god that is so incredibly petty and vain that he needs to be adored every waking second of my life. I do not want to be a part of a religion that dishes out shame of simply being human.

I would rather spend eternity getting paper cuts on my posterior in the general location of hell than to make quilts for the needy in heaven.

Get ready for your right to be taken away. Goddamm religious right. Those middle age men, self important blowhards know nothing of what it means to be a woman. I DO NOT WANT MY CHOICE TO BEAR A CHILD TO BE TAKEN AWAY FROM ME. To put it in extremely harsh (NRS patented by Grant) but true words: I do not want the religious right to rape me. And they are, by wanting to “abort” that option.

Of course, if they had their way, only heterosexual married couples would be having sex. With the lights out and eyes closed.

Life isn’t perfect and we all make mistakes. Adoption is the best option for me, what I would consider if I were pregnant. But let me tell you this: do not ask any woman to give birth to a child if she had been raped.

One final message to the right wing nutjobs: if you are so keen on pro-life, adopt all those unwanted children.


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