Friday, April 07, 2006

Well, I am ready to talk about the reason I will try not to be around a certain person that I'll call Voldemort. * No. Too flattering. I'll dub him Draco** instead.

A friend who reads both of our blogs pointed out to a recent post of his (sent me a copy and paste of that section. I don't read Draco's blog.) and asked if THAT was the reason we aren't blog pals.

Well, after being hurt that he would see things that way, I sat and thought about it.

Number one, about the so-called asking him to censor his writing, I had asked him to please really consider the rape jokes after making several of them in a row. Rape is not a laughing matter and it is extremely serious. I didn't want him to alter his thinking or necessarily stop it, I just wanted a little bit more sensitivity regarding rape, which is something no one realizes how awful it is until they've gone through it. I did try to explain the difference, but I was accused of wanting him to censor himself--and he never seemed to forget and move past it. We did, however, reach a compromise.

As for 'veiled insults', I didn't they were insults. But I did read a few of his comments in the wrong way, and as I did have a minor crush on him (or rather, I think, his ability to write) just cut me up inside. I couldn't handle it and I knew something had to be done.

I was the one to suggest that it might be best to end our friendship. He agreed and I handled it on my blog with class and grace. I learned something and sent him two emails, one to say thanks for your time and the other to offer an apology for my behavior.

Hey, at that time, I had been dumped by my mother. I was not in a good frame of mind, so I think my erratic 'behavior' could be understood, not accepted, but understood. It still bothers me from time to time. be even mentioned in the same paragraph as 'stalker' offended me deeply. I would never do that. Ever. That's why I am reluctant to go on, say, Spider Girl or Tai's blogs because I will NOT be accused of following Draco around.

I don't like him. I don't hate him. I think I wasted enough time on him.

I also learned a valuable lesson from what was said: Be careful of what you read in a writer's blog because you are only getting one side of the story. Remember that a writer uses words to direct your thinking in a certain way (usually to the writer's benefit) and that you should always take in what you read with a grain of salt. It may be true, but truth is relative depending on who you talk to.


*Villain from Harry Potter Books
**If you haven't read Harry Potter....Just trust me, this is an insult.


At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I've visited his site a few times and was bored and mildly offended.

At 9:27 AM, Blogger Valkyrie said...

He writes well, but I think he wants to offend people.

Anyway, enough time spent on THAT. Need to move forward.


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