Friday, December 02, 2005

More things about me..(continued from Oct).

26. I appreciate e-mails; I don't feel quite so lonely when I get one.

27. I worry about my sanity. I know there is something wrong with me.

28. I wish I could be myself...and still be accepted.

29. Starved for love, but 'overfed' on food.

30. I can't abide fundie "mental" anything.

31. I believe that God is made up by us to justify our existance.

32. What I really want is peace and quiet in my head.

33. I wonder if I'm interesting.

34. I base my life on the teachings of the Grinch (pre-redemption)

35. I used to live for a love that was never really there.

36. Every day, I try to find something positive as a way of de-depressing myself.

37. I feel lost on occasion and I like it.

38. If I could venture back in time, I wouldn't.

39. I love certified smartasses.

40. If there is one thing I loathe, it is backstabbers. That is the one misdeed I cannot forgive.

41. My friends mean everything to me.

42. I used to have to hide my stories in my books when I lived with my folks because my step mom would find them and tell me I wasn't any good.


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