Name Change
You may have noted my name change from R to Valkyrie. I did this because there are too many R's on blogger! Not that it is a BAD thing, but it makes it a little confusing when reading comments.
Besides, in my people's (Norwegian) myths, Valkyries are cool
To go off on a tangent, I've always been interested in reading about long-dead, or completely foreign, cultures. Norse, Roman, Egyptian, Celtic....all have held my attention while I devoured the library books trying to learn all I could. *Sigh* I was/am SUCH a geek girl
Cool name change! I dig it!
I noticed the change. I like it.
I did google Valkyrie when you changed it.I think its a really cool name.
Geek girls unite!
Great name!
I like Valkyrie. And names are important. You have to feel good about your name, and Valkyrie is a strong one.
Heh, there is at least one other Spider Girl out there, but hey, only one of me. :)
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