Post # 78
Why did you start blogging?
As a form of primal scream therapy, to get in touch with what I really felt toward (slowly) resolving issues.
Have you ever wanted to meet a blogger in person?
Yes. There's about three I'd like to meet.
Have you ever met a blogger in person?
Almost. I'm not counting Saunya or Dustin.
Have you ever spoken to one on the phone?
Not really, unless you count a message left on my voice mail.
Do you have more than one blog?
Yes. I have a blog for my stories. Maybe I'll put up the rest of my Nano story
Where do your ideas for posts come from?
What I see around me, what I feel, what I experience. Writing (for a blog) is more than just putting down words; it's about interpreting and reacting to the enviorment around you. It is different than writing a story; I suppose blogging is a form of journalism.
Have you ever fallen for another blogger?
I did once and it was a disaster, so I'm really shy around other bloggers. It hurt, hurt, hurt.
How many blogs do you read?
Three or four blogs a day.
What do you like to read in a blog?
Everything to the mundane (if it is written well) to political to humor/horror of Corporate America.
Are there blogs you shy away from?
Hate or religious blogs, anything that is intolerant of others because those kind of blogs leave me feeling icky, like I have a mouthful of slimy soup skin. You know, the skin that is from letting a soup sit too long. I used to enjoy reading those kind of blogs, to fire me up for writing, but now I just feel sick looking at them.
Why do you keep writing?
I simply like to. Well, there is a need for me to reach out and communicate with others. I'm not a very articulate person, but I can write more eloquently. I feel that writing is an intimate form of communication, one that is underappriecated.
Yes, I'm bored and lonely. Four posts in one day is a record.
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