I'm finding it a struggle to think up interesting and thought provoking posts. Yes, I could whine on and on about my life but that's not healthy for me.
And when I do think up something that is interesting to me, I always feel as if I fall short in a fashion. It is my opinion that if readers take the time to read this humble blog, that I should give something in return. Whether it be a laugh or two or a thought....I want to offer people something with each and every post.
I think it was SK who said that writers are often the worst judges of their work. Maybe I am, maybe I'm not. Or maybe like so many writers before me, I just like beating myself up.
I tried to respond to one of your recent posts and didn't do it just right and ... I dunno. Gone.
Not getting comments on posts lends to the impression that the writing wasn't or isn't "good." Often it's really only a case of no time or bad commenting habits (and, hence, losses).
We keep coming back and reading. I track several blogs, myself, and when one has nothing new, I move to the next one. I have a regular circuit I check every day, and sometimes more than once. If you don't make something new every hour, I keep coming back.
Don't be discouraged. You're doing fine!
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